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(LifeSiteNews) — On this week’s episode of The Van Maren Show, Jonathon speaks with Dr. Michael New, research associate at the Catholic University of America and senior associate scholar at the Charlotte Lozier Institute, to discuss what has happened in the year since the fall of Roe v. Wade, from ballot initiatives to the effects of pro-life laws.

Dr. New discusses the numbers related to the effects of pro-life laws enacted in almost half of the United States following the death of Roe. According to him, data from the Society of Family Planning’s “We Count Project,” released every few months, suggests that the laws have managed to save the lives of unborn babies from abortion. He further recommends looking at the birth rate to see if pro-life laws are having their intended effect.

He also discusses the data published by the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute that alleges the number of abortions has increased in those states. He points out that the data published by the organization is unreliable for several reasons, for instance noting that it tracks samples and not comprehensive numbers.

New also addresses the ballot initiatives on abortion brought up in several states, such as the upcoming vote on an amendment to the Ohio state constitution that would enshrine abortion as a “right.”

According to New, such a thing serves as the “latest obstacle” for the pro-life movement. Discussing the pro-life defeats in such ballot measures, New says that the pro-abortion side tends to outspend pro-lifers. Looking at Ohio specifically, however, he emphasizes that the state is “winnable,” but at the same time recalls that it will not be an easy victory.

“One argument that I think is our strongest… is calling this Ohio ballot proposition an ‘abortion tax increase’,” he suggests, encouraging Ohio pro-lifers to make the point.

“I think there’s a very good chance if this does pass, the Ohio Medicaid program will be required to cover elective abortions,” New says. “Opposition to taxpayer funding of abortion is very strong.”

He also suggests that Ohio pro-lifers canvass to get people to vote. He also recommends stressing the negative impacts the amendment would have, citing for instance that it “effectively does legalize abortion for all nine months of pregnancy.”

Later in the episode, New explains that pro-lifers who wish to be proactive should recall that there are opportunities at both the federal and state level for pro-life activism: “There are some states we can still work on, either strengthen laws or enact new laws.  On the federal level… the Biden administration is giving a lot to push back on. Obviously we need to invest in the 2024 elections.”

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