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LifeSite League: Prayer, Activism & Citizen Journalism Join us TODAY!

FRONT ROYAL, Virginia (LifeSiteNews) — LifeSiteNews is delighted to announce the launch of LifeSite League, a new platform offering you the chance to report on important events, to connect with activists in your area, and to prayerfully support the mission of LifeSiteNews. 

Dedicated to transforming the culture for Christ by sharing the truth, LifeSite League provides you, the reader, with a new way to make a difference wherever you are. 

Whether it’s going to a school board meeting to oppose LGBT propaganda or protesting abortion on campus; maybe you are sidewalk counseling or setting up a new crisis pregnancy center and want to fundraise on our crowdfunding site; whatever your need, material or spiritual, joining LifeSite League offers you a new way to garner exposure and support to help maximize your impact where you live.  

Welcoming the launch of LifeSite League, John-Henry Westen, co-founder and editor-in-chief of LifeSiteNews, said that the news organization is “ultimately in the business of bringing souls to Christ and His Church, and we hope that LifeSite League will bear great fruit in that regard.”

LifeSiteNews co-founder and president Steve Jalsevac said the initiative ‘’is a response to years of comments from readers asking what they can do to respond to developments we report on. Through LifeSite League, we are going to give them opportunities in very specific, exciting ways.’’ 

Lifesite League is a way for viewers, readers, and supporters to engage with LifeSiteNews directly and help our mission.  

We have three different ways in which you can participate. 

Citizen journalism: Help us cover important news from your area by writing content, sending us photos and videos, and sharing LifeSiteNews stories that are making a difference.

Activism: LifeSite League activists will be asked to inform us about upcoming events we can promote, have journalists report on, or send other League members to. Wearing LifeSite League merch to protests, rallies, meetings, LifeChains or the March for Life is also a great way to promote our work and encourage others to join as we support organizations around North America and beyond. 

Prayer: Supporting LifeSiteNews with your prayers is the most valuable step you can take to aid our mission. Members of LifeSite League will not only pray for the mission but also send us their prayer requests so that our staff can include them in our daily prayers. If a member can commit to praying for LifeSiteNews, have Masses offered for us or ask religious orders to remember us in their prayers, we will also be so incredibly grateful.  

We are excited to welcome new members from today onwards and cannot wait to see everyone out there on the battlefield for life, family, faith, and freedom. 

LifeSite League: Prayer, Activism & Citizen Journalism Join us TODAY!


