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(LifeSiteNews) – In 2014, then-Vice President Joe Biden claimed in a July 4 address that same-sex “marriage” – which had not yet been imposed on the entire country by the Supreme Court – fulfills “the spirit” of the Declaration of Independence. During the same speech he called same-sex “marriage” the “civil rights issue of our day, making it clear that you should be able to marry whoever you love — period.”

Nearly a decade later, now-President Joe Biden signed the so-called Respect for Marriage Act enshrining same-sex “marriage” into federal law. But same-sex “marriage” has largely faded as an issue debated by the public – now, conservative warnings about the slippery slope have come to pass and debates about drag shows for kindergarteners and gender mutilating drugs and surgeries for kids have taken the main stage.

Below is the text of the original article LifeSite published on July 8, 2014.

Biden: Gay marriage ‘fulfills… the spirit of the Declaration of Independence’

