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Pope Francis speaking with Reuters July 2, 2022YouTube screenshot

(LifeSiteNews) — I happened to be in Rome in May 2017 when Pope Francis stunned the world by telling a young homosexual Chilean man, “God made you gay.”

In so doing, the Jesuit Pontiff made a giant leap from his already confounding, impenetrable, “Who am I to judge?”, hinting to the world that he might one day assert homosexual relationships to be fully equivalent to those married according to the eternal, immutable definition of marriage.

But now with his response to the most recent dubia posed by Cardinals Burke, Brandmüller, Sarah, Zen, and Íñiguezto, his meaning and the trajectory of his intentions have come into sharper focus.

Pope Francis has effectively told clergy that they can decide for themselves whether to bless homosexual unions. This can mean only one thing:

Pope Francis believes that he is more compassionate than Christ regarding homosexuality and the need for homosexuals to live chaste lives.

The Pontiff’s words are unsupported by the magisterium of the Church. He is presenting a gospel foreign to Catholic ears, especially to the many same-sex attracted Catholics like me.

I’ll go further: 

The Pope is abandoning the world’s same-sex attracted, leaving us adrift in the world, caught in the web of ‘Pride’ masterfully spun by the father of lies.

Instead of truth presented with Christ’s compassion, Pope Francis presents human compassion tinged with ambiguity, a formula which obscures the truth – which is never ambiguous – and a clear path forward out of the world and to Christ.

He seems to be purposefully hiding the light of the Gospel under a bushel basket, concealing truth rather than revealing it.

I don’t speak solely on my own authority. 

Cardinal Robert Sarah, one of the five authors of the dubia, warned a few years ago that we cannot be more compassionate or merciful than Jesus when it comes to pastoring men and women dealing with same-sex attraction.

In his book The Day Is Now Far Spent, Cardinal Sarah analyzed the spiritual, moral, and political collapse of the Western world. He paid particular attention to how the Church cares for those who experience same-sex attraction and gender dysphoria. He had harsh words for clergy who depart from the Church’s clear sexual teachings and instead promote “ambiguities.” 

“I think that the first victims of the LGBT ideology are the persons who experience a homosexual orientation,” wrote Sarah. “They are led by its militants to reduce their whole identity to their sexual behavior.” 

“I beg Catholics who are tempted by homosexuality not to let themselves be shut away in this prison of LGBT ideology,” he urged. “You are a child of God by baptism! Your place is in the Church, like all Christians. And if sometimes the spiritual combat becomes too hard, fraternal charity will support you.”

His admonition echoes a public appeal made a few years ago by Jean Lloyd, PhD, a former lesbian and now happily married mother of two, to her fellow Christians: “May I make two requests? Continue to love me, but remember that you cannot be more merciful than God. It isn’t mercy to affirm same-sex acts as good. Practice compassion according to the root meaning of ‘compassion’: Suffer with me. Don’t compromise truth; help me to live in harmony with it. I’m asking you to help me take up my cross and follow Jesus.”

By relinquishing his authority to uphold Church teaching, Pope Francis has also, perhaps inadvertently, set a trap for clergy and prelates around the world. Our priests deserve better.

In a move that seems not only prescient but tailored for today’s controversy, Cardinal Sarah turned his attention to the clergy who present an obscured version of the Gospel.

“Churchmen who deliberately entertain ambiguities about the Christian view of homosexual behavior by saying that, morally speaking, all forms of sexuality are strictly equal, I tell them that they are doing the work of the prince of lies,” wrote Sarah, one of the five authors of the dubia, a few years ago. “They lack charity toward the persons involved.”

“Why such statements?” he wondered. “Is it to justify their own behavior? Is it because they seek popularity? How can they offer ideological talk to those who ask us for the Word of God?”

These are questions that many chaste same-sex attracted Catholics have for such clerics.    

“We do not have the right to abandon those who expect us to show them the way to holiness, including in the area of sexuality,” he emphasized.

“Using one’s authority to preach a human doctrine and not the Catholic faith,” wrote Sarah, is a behavior that denies the profound truth of the priesthood and endangers the salvation of the faithful.

“When the faith of the clergy grows weak, something like an eclipse takes place: the world is plunged into dark shadows,” he declared.

Pope Francis is not entirely wrong. I too pray for my same-sex attracted brothers and sisters every day and ask God to bless them. Of course, I do! But in so doing, I don’t pray for God to bless their sinful unions so that they may live happily ever after fairy tale lives until death. No.

I pray on my knees:

Open our eyes and ears so that the Truth of the Gospel might become a bright beacon of light drawing each of us out of the world and to Christ so that we might reject with permanent, indelible, indestructible resolve the lies of the father of lies.

All you Holy Angels: Prevent us from being living mockeries of Christ and His Bride!   

The world has already enshrouded homosexuality with ample ambiguity and empty promises at odds with the beauty and absolute superiority of complementarity. More than anything else, we, the same-sex attracted, need the hard truths of the Gospel to guide us out of darkness into the light.

Pope Francis: Help us take up our cross and follow Jesus. Don’t obscure our path to heaven.

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Doug Mainwaring is a journalist for LifeSiteNews, an author, and a marriage, family and children's rights activist.  He has testified before the United States Congress and state legislative bodies, originated and co-authored amicus briefs for the United States Supreme Court, and has been a guest on numerous TV and radio programs.  Doug and his family live in the Washington, DC suburbs.

