Articles tagged Church teachings

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BREAKING: Bishops banned from ‘total or definitive denial’ of Fiducia Supplicans

Cardinal Victor Fernández’s response comes after numerous bishops and bishops’ conferences across the globe expressed official rejection of Fiducia Supplicans’ call for same-sex blessings. READ MORE HERE: HELP US FIGHT THE LIES OF THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA AND SPREAD THE TRUTH AROUND THE WORLD:  LOVE LIFESITE? LOVE BEING PRO-LIFE? GET THE FIRST AND ONLY LIMITED EDITION PRO-LIFE SILVER ROUND FROM LIFESITENEWS: SHOP ALL YOUR FUN AND FAVORITE LIFESITE MERCH!  Connect with us on social media: LifeSite: John-Henry Westen:

Was Vatican II a valid ecumenical council?

In 1982, Pope Benedict XVI (then-Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger) called some of the documents of the Second Vatican Council a 'counter-syllabus' to Pope Pius IX's and Pope St. Pius X's syllabi and encyclicals against the heresy of Modernism. How should we Catholics interpret such a statement?
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EXCLUSIVE: Bishop Strickland urges bishops to say ‘no’ to Francis’ ‘blessings’ for gay couples

In an exclusive video statement for LifeSiteNews, Bishop Joseph Strickland called on all Catholics, and especially on bishops, to reject Pope Francis’ new ‘blessings’ for homosexual couples. READ FULL STORY HERE: HELP US FIGHT THE LIES OF THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA AND SPREAD THE TRUTH AROUND THE WORLD:  LOVE LIFESITE? LOVE BEING PRO-LIFE? GET THE FIRST AND ONLY LIMITED EDITION PRO-LIFE SILVER ROUND FROM LIFESITENEWS: SHOP ALL YOUR FUN AND FAVORITE LIFESITE MERCH!  Connect with us on social media: LifeSite: John-Henry Westen:
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Cancelled priests & the time for courage

Around the world  priests are being cancelled, silenced, and stripped of their ministries — all because of corrupt bishops who are actively working on behalf of a globalist “Shadow Church.” A culture war has been unleashed on tradition, most vehemently against the Traditional Latin Mass. However, there still remain bishops who are faithfully upholding the Church’s teachings despite ongoing attacks — brave men including Bishop Athanasius Schneider and Bishop Joseph Strickland. Watch and find courage and inspiration from the heroic examples of Bishop Athanasius Schneider and Bishop Joseph Strickland during this unprecedented time of persecution coming from within the Church.  […]
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Ugandan MP SHOCKED at Pope Francis’ Vatican | Lucy Akello

Lucy Akello, Ugandan MP and devout Catholic, expressed her shock over the Vatican’s crackdown on faithful Catholics in favor of leftist agendas that many have been warning about: the LGBT agenda, climate change, globalism, socialism, transgender ideology, and more. Akello expressed her sorrow for ignoring these warning signs, but now sees the truth of Pope Francis’ attacks on Tradition. Akello urges with faithful Catholics — especially those in elected political positions — to never compromise on their faith in Christ and to always uphold the teachings of the Catholic Church in everything they do. Pope Francis’ Vatican may continue its […]
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Pope Francis did all the heavy lifting during the Synod by holding his own ‘Uber-Synod’

One of the main events during the Synod on Synodality occurred outside of its official proceedings: Pope Francis conducted his own synodal gatherings – an ‘uber synod’ – to push his personal agenda, which undermines the Deposit of the Faith. Pope Francis held a personal meeting with Whoopi Goldberg, who praised the Pontiff for his personal support of the LGBT agenda. Pope Francis also took special time to praise the notorious LGBT activist Sister Jeannine Gramick, who was condemned for her actions by the previous two popes. Watch now for further details on the truth about Pope Francis’s latest moves […]