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Crowd gathered in Ottawa for the 2024 National March for LifeLifeSiteNews

OTTAWA, Ontario (LifeSiteNews) — Thousands of pro-lifers are gathered near Parliament Hill in Ottawa on Thursday for the 27th annual National March for Life.

Canadians from across the country are gathered in the nation’s capital in defense of unborn life and to voice their opposition to the deadly practice of abortion – which is legally permitted in Canada on-demand through all nine months of pregnancy.

Crowd gathered in Ottawa for the 2024 National March for Life

LifeSiteNews is on the ground at the March for Life, and can confirm the attendance of thousands of pro-life Canadians, with many holding signs promoting the sanctity of life from the moment of conception until natural death, as taught infallibly by the Catholic Church.

In one photograph, a number of young people can be seen holding identical “I am pro-life” signs while marching.

Young pro-lifers marching in Ottawa at the 2024 National March for Life

Before the march, at the rally on Parliament Hill, many Canadians posed with their signs and pro-life shirts indicating their commitment to ending abortion.

A group of pro-lifers, young and old, gathered together in defense of the unborn
Pro-lifers holding a sign of Christ during His Passion

In one video taken by LifeSiteNews at the rally before the march began, a crowd of pro-lifers can be seen making a “wave” to signal their enthusiasm for the sanctity of life

The pre-march rally also featured a number of high-profile speakers, including former Planned Parenthood employee Abby Johnson, who urged Canadians to stand firm for life.

One young women bravely shared her own story of having an abortion, outlining the devastating impact it had on her life before she was able to begin healing through post-abortion counseling offered by the Sisters for Life.

As Campaign Life Coalition’s communications director Pete Baklinski stated yesterday at a press conference leading up to the march, this year’s theme is “I will never forget you” (Isaiah 49:15-16).

The logo for the 27th annual March for Life

Explaining this theme, Baklinski added:

These victims must never be forgotten. They were our brothers, our sisters, our neighbors, [and] our fellow citizens on this earthly journey to the life to come. Their lives mattered. To forget them would mean that we have forgotten ourselves, what it means to live, what it means to be human.

So we rally and march, remembering the victims of abortion as we in the pro-life movement continue to fight for a day when the preborn are loved, valued, and protected from the moment of conception onwards. In today’s press conference, I am joined by a few of my colleagues who will be speaking about the anti-life priorities and policies of Prime Minister Trudeau and the Liberal/NDP coalition government that are gutting Canada of its future.

This story is developing…

